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Q&A with Ian Kendall, Account Manager with Stride Capital

Stride Capital on May 5th, 2023 in   Press Release

Recently, we sat down with Ian Kendall who is new to the Stride Capital team. Ian has joined Stride as an Account Manager, serving our valued clients in Manitoba. Keep reading to learn more about Ian’s previous work experience, the sectors that he specializes in, and what he’s looking forward to as a Stride Capital Account Manager.

Tell us about your previous work experience and how it led you to Stride.

I started in sales in 2010 in the telecommunications industry. It was my first real role in a structured sales environment with developmental training within a large company, MTS. Eventually, I started with Bell Canada and continued to grow my skill set. I entered the car industry in 2012, looking for that next step and next big challenge. Since then, I’ve held positions in sales and finance before moving into business development. At first glance, Stride jumped out to me as a company where I would be able to utilize all of my skills and continue to develop but on a much larger scale. After spending some time at head office, I was immediately accepted by my peers and was amazed at the culture and positivity that has lives within this company.

What are you looking forward to about your new role as Account Manager for Stride?

I’m really looking forward to learning a new industry. Despite the similarities to what I’m used to, there is a lot to learn and I’m really excited about this new role and new adventure.

What opportunities do you see as part of Stride and within this new role?

I’m excited to continue to grow this territory, partner with new vendors, and create more lifetime clients.

What sectors do you specialize in and what opportunities do you see on the horizon within these sectors?

I specialize in everything that encompasses a sale from start to finish. I enjoy meeting new people, finding a way to help, and providing a solution.

What is your life like outside of work?

I’m a very busy person! My wife and I are raising three children, ages 10, 8, and 2, that keep us on the go. My daughter is starting her first year of softball and I will be coaching my son’s soccer team. My 2 year old is enjoying daycare and we love spending time as family, camping, exploring, and playing.

Learn more about Ian and get in touch today

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